We can help your organization dramatically improve your grant-winning efforts.

We have the tools to help you transform your organization into a grant writing and grant-winning success. 

  • Your organization's branded learning portal, complete with introduction/challenge from your leadership
  • Discounts for multi-participant licenses
  • Completion certificate for each participant
  • Become a prestigious David G. Bauer-certified team or organization when every team member has successfully completed the program
  • Progress tracking for each participant
  • Opportunity to become a certified grants coach

Significant grant dollars are being awarded every day and we want your competitive efforts to be successful. Reach out to us now to discuss these opportunities.

We empower and energize your entire team to win!

Our program provides all the tools your clients/members need to succeed, including:

  • Time management techniques to avoid last-minute submissions
  • Pre-proposal strategies with grantors and past grantees
  • Instruction on how to implement quality circles/mock reviews to ensure the best possible proposal is submitted
  • Tips not just on how to write a grant proposal but how to create a winning one
  • Techniques for putting together a dynamic, winning grants team from pre-preproposal contact to implementation

The pro-active grants strategies in this complete curriculum have a demonstrated track record that consistently results in a 40 to 50 percent success rate.


The average funding rate for Federal, foundation, and corporate grants is a disappointing 8 to 10 percent. Many well-intended grant writers miss the proactive, pre-proposal steps that increase grants success. The good news is that the Winning Grants Institute’s program teaches these very steps. If you want your grant proposal to be on target, follow the winning grants formula and learn how to find the organization that is best suited to fund your project. Past participants have succeeded 40 to 50 percent or more of the time.

Pursuing a grant without a trained mentor and guide can remind one of an unguided climb up Mt. Everest. You can go it alone, but it's not going to be a pretty sight. If you want to win, you need a coach, an expert guide. The reward? Receiving your grant reward brings about a great adrenaline rush like no other. Are you ready to get started to make your organizational dream come true? Reach out to us today, and we'll help you get your grant procurement effort started. 

Want us to do some heavy lifting for you?


The basis of all the services we offer starts with participation in the Winning Grants Institute program, available here and with our handy and convenient smartphone app. In addition, The Akribos Group is prepared to offer additional supports, through grants coaching and consulting, in concert with the overall vision and mission of the Winning Grants Institute. We are committed to your success and providing the supports and services required to guide you through the required process and get you on your way to winning your grant! 

Our commitment to integrity.

Sadly, not all sources are above board in the grant seeking arena. No one should ever promise that you will win a grant. What we, at The Winning Grants Institute, are able to promise our clients is hard work, guided by the unmatched expertise of David G. Bauer. Dave is a highly recognized and respected expert and has been asked to provide, on multiple occasions, professional services to The Federal Trade Commission with grants related investigations and compliance issues. The Winning Grants Institute is committed to integrity and adheres to that commitment in each step of the process. 

Schedule a Free Call

We are ready to assist you in developing a package that best suits your needs. Please schedule a free call or drop us an e-mail. We look forward to listening to your needs and helping you succeed in your grants seeking endeavor.

Schedule My Free Call